BlueSoleil是由IVT公司开发的蓝牙软件产品。基于微软公司视窗系统的BlueSoleil,能轻松实现台式机或笔记本等各种计算机平台间的无 线连接,并且还能让使用微软视窗系统的用户无线访问种类繁多的支持蓝牙功能的设备,例如手机,耳机,打印机,鼠标,键盘等等。同时,利用 BlueSoleil的卓越无线功能,您还可以搭建蓝牙无线网络,并能够随时和其它计算机或掌上电脑(PDA)交换信息 、共享资源。
蓝牙规范为广泛范围的设备定义了统一的结构,以便于彼此之间进行连接和通信。这使得用户可以享受各种创新解决方案,如免提耳机接听语音电话,打印和传真功能 ,同步PDA、笔记本电脑和手机应用程序等等。
蓝 牙(芯片)的原理是将讯息和语音信号在ISM频段上传输。每一个蓝牙设备都带有一个标准地址,可以支持点到点和一点到多点的低功耗通信(蓝牙的基本组成是 微微网Pico-net),发射距离为10米(增强功率情况下可以到100米)。蓝牙通讯技术不仅可以高达到3MB/s的传输率,并且支持身份验证和数据 加密。
BlueSoleil 6.0 includes all the features of BlueSoleil 5.0. BlueSoleil is a Windows-based software from IVT that allows your Bluetooth enabled desktop or notebook computer to wirelessly connect to other Bluetooth enabled devices. BlueSoleil allows MS Windows users to wirelessly access a wide variety of Bluetooth enabled digital devices, such as mobile phones, headsets, printers, keyboards and so on. You can also form networks and exchange data with other Bluetooth enabled computers.
Besides, it can back up your contacts, send messages with your computer without taking your phone out of your pocket. You can also send contents in web pages to your Bluetooth phone directly by just select and send...
Contact management
-- Backup/restore Bluetooth phone's contacts to/from computer
-- View Bluetooth phone's contacts on computer
-- Edit/delete/upload contacts
-- Type and send SMS from your computer
-- View/backup/delete SMS on Bluetooth phones
Send contents in a web page to your Bluetooth phone
-- Send pictures or words in a web page to Bluetooth phone
Supported Bluetooth Phones
All Bluetooth phones based on Symbian S60 .
All Bluetooth phones based on Windows Mobile 5.0/6.0 .
Most of Bluetooth phones from Nokia, Moto, Sony Ericsson, Samsung, HTC/Dopod, LG, and BlackBerry etc.
BlueSoleil 6.0 uses a new method, computer-bundle license mechanism, for license control, instead of checking hardware license key in Bluetooth chipset. This new method does not limited Bluetooth chipset, thus supporting more Bluetooth computer then before, e.g. Lenovo Thinkpad notebooks, which uses Broadcom Bluetooth chipsets.
Languages :
English, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, German, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Portuguese, Swedish, Italian, French, Danish, Dutch, Finnish
~Support Windows Vista/XP/2000~
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